My Formula That Stopped Formula Feeding (How I Ditched Formula Milk in Less Than 3 Months)


15 months ago, I gave birth to my rambunctious, funny, sweet and adorably naughty baby girl. It was the happiest time of our lives but it was also the most difficult.  We were first time parents who were clueless in caring for a newborn, I was battling with high blood pressure from my eclampsia, fighting off post partum depression, and my husband was desperately trying to earn money as a freelance writer.  To make matters worse, our plan to breastfeed exclusively was not panning out.  We were both stretched to the limit at all fronts  –  emotionally, mentally, and financially. (Read about our birth story here.)


When I found out that my precious baby was dehydrated and lost almost 18% of her birth weight, it was with a heavy heart that I mixed fed her.  I felt as a failure as a mother that I starved my baby for more than a week.  But, I knew that all hope was not lost and I could still work on getting Sophia back to EBF (exclusively breastfeed) status. (More on our breastfeeding journey here.)

I continued to nurse Sophia while I was still on anti-hypertensive drugs.  I would give her formula then have her latch to my breast after she finished a bottle. I would breastfeed her for hours and she would use my breast as her pacifier.  We would have breastfeeding marathons every day. I would sit in a chair for 2 or 3 hours nursing.  I forsook combing my hair, bathroom breaks, visits from friends, and household chores just to nurse my baby.  The best way to increase your milk output was to keep on latching and doing so also helped with my emotional and mental state as it made me feel that despite my low supply; it was I who was filling my baby’s tummy with milk.

A month after giving birth, my blood pressure went back to normal and I started taking malunggay (moringa) capsules.  My mother bought me a pack and I took 3 capsules religiously everyday.  But after I finished my supply, I wasn’t able to sustain taking the herbal supplement because it was an additional expense that we could not afford.  😥 Luckily, we have 2 malunggay  trees in our yard. Why pay for something when you can get it for free, right?


I would harvest malunggay leaves every morning and I would add the leaves to our meal or boil it into tea. If we’re not having soup like tinola or halaan, I would make a simple broth with only malunggay, garlic, onion, and ginger. Sometimes the plain broth got a bit boring so I would add the leaves to this instant noodles.

Malunggay noodles

Malunggay noodles

After each meal, I would feel engorged and that made me really happy and motivated that I was finally feeling my milk come in.  I increased my water intake to 3 to 4 liters per day and added a big glass of Milo after each meal.

Milo is rich in malt and malt is a well known galactagogue.  I noticed an increase in my milk supply as I was also pumping 2 or 3 times a day. What other beverage contains malt? Well beer of course!  I tried drinking alcohol but I absolutely dislike its aftertaste that I couldn’t even finish a glass.

From less than 10ml from both breasts to this was an achievement for me

From less than 10ml from both breasts to this was an achievement for me

Another milk booster that worked brilliantly for me was oatmeal.  It would have been better to have used rolled oats but as it was difficult to find and more expensive than the regular ones, I opted to use the instant oatmeal instead. However, I am not overly fond of eating boiled oats and sugar. To make it more palatable, I turned it into arrozcaldo and champorado. Yum! Yum! I would also mix it with my Milo drink for my homemade Oishi Oaties. 🙂

After more than 2 months of my milk booster regimen, Sophia was finally back to being nursed exclusively. No more formula milk for her and I was able to restore my baby’s virgin gut. It took a lot of hard work and patience but everything paid off. My baby is now a toddler and she continues to breastfeed from mommy. It was the combination of the following that helped me finally ditch formula milk:

  1. More padede, more milk. Unlidede to the max.
  2. Water, water, water and soup every meal
  3. Malunggay everyday (capsule or fresh leaves)
  4. Oatmeal
  5. Belief in your ability to produce an abundance of milk for your child.

Our situation now is a complete reversal of what we were going through last year. My blood pressure remains to be normal, I have overcome post partum depression, and my husband is with a stable company and earning enough for me to be a stay at home mom (SAHM). We feel immensely blessed because we have our dear Sophia and she is healthy, smart, and oh so active.

She raided daddy's snack bin!

She raided daddy’s snack bin!

Having gone through the stress and anxiety of needing to produce enough milk for your baby, I know how hard it is for a mother to increase milk supply with limited resources. Hence, we would like to pay it forward to one padede momma who may be going through a breastfeeding hurdle. For more information on our little random act of kindness (raok), please visit our Facebook page at

See you on FB, mommas!



38 responses »

  1. I am a public elementary school teacher and I just gave birth to my fourth child last September 6. I am already back to work but that did not stop me from exclusively breastfeeding my newborn. Reading your blog today makes me remember when I was still a first time mom. We almost have the same story and it made me proud that I was able to conquer it all too. All that you did to boost milk supply were all helpful. I am doing those things to all my kids and breastfeeding has not become a problem to me instead it is helping me and my family so much. I am glad that you have this written to help first time moms. God bless and more power.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for the.kind words, Mathealyn. Breastfeeding is a lifesaver for our family too. It makes me so happy to hear from other nursing mommies who were able to surpass the same challenges. 🙂 Hope you can tell me your story too. ❤


    • Thanks for dropping by, Leah. I enjoy sharing our experiences to other mommies and it feels wonderful to know that someone is listening to my crazy ramblings. 🙂 I appreciate it. ❤


  2. It is a big help.reading your blog makes me realize to pursue breastfeeding even i am a working mom.more power to you.lucky we have malunggay tree in our neighbor.double purpose its good for my kids too.hopefully i can find some recipe that contains malunggay leaves.I will also buy malunggay capsule,so i can produce more milk.thank you so much


    • Thanks for reading our blog, Erika. 😀 I’ll look for yummy recipes so I can share them with you.I only know the basic recipes like tinola. Hahaha. I’ll post it on our Facebook page soon. 🙂


  3. thank you so much mommy for this very helpful blog for mommies like us. My son doesnt like formula milk he is pure BF he loves my milk which goof for him 🙂 ❤


  4. Pingback: My Formula That Stopped Formula Feeding (How I Ditched Formula Milk in Less Than 3 Months) | jcsprite20

  5. I am happy to read your blog. I also experienced difficulty in breastfeeding before. I told to myself that it is more difficult to breastfeed than giving birth because I only gave birth for 4hours but breastfeed for 1 year and 6 months. When I was still pregnant, my father in law always cooked nilagang bangus baboy baka, and tinola maybe that’s why I have lot of milk 🙂 I have inverted nipples also so it took time for me to bring it out. Thanks to manghihilot who taught my hubby to help me by sucking it hard that blood also come out first and later milk overflow.


    • You’re amazing, jcsprite! I hope we can breastfeed as long as you did. 😀 You deserve a hundred cupcakes for overcoming all your breastfeeding challenges. ❤ It’s mommies like you who inspired me to work hard in nursing my baby. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for dropping by our blog, Elinor. ❤ I'm a first time mom and I was clueless about how to make our breastfeeding journey successful when Sophia was born. I learned from stalking breastfeeding support groups and reading blogs from other mommies. I'm thrilled that we are now paying it forward by sharing our experiences with other clueless mommies (and daddies!) 😀


  6. Thanks mommy 🙂 ngayon naniniwala na ko na effective po talaga ang pag inom ng milo at malunggay capsule .. unlipadede po kasi ako sa 3months lo ko .. pati yung eldest ko na 1 year old and 7months pinatigil ko na sa pag dede ng formula pinilit ko sa dumede sakin kahit kinakagat niya nipple ko 🙂 thanks again mommy :*


    • Good job mommy for working hard on breastfeeding your babies. Kahit masakit na sila ng mangagat tinitiis natin kasi the best talaga ang gatas ng ina. Napaka swerte ng pamilya mo na pinursigi mo ang pagpapadede. 😀 ❤


  7. I am a mother of two boys, first is turning 9years old already & younger one just turned 4 years old last 18th this month. I did the breastfeed as well, unfortunately they stopped early by themselves so I forced to bottle feeding. But still I am happy that I experienced breastfeeding.


    • Hi MariChuy! I’m happy that you were able to breastfeed your baby. It doesn’t matter how long or short your breastfeeding journey was. What matters is that you breastfed your children. Thanks for dropping by, mommy. 🙂


    • Thank you, Lyn 😀 You deserve a hundred cupcakes because exclusively breastfeeding your baby is not easy. ❤ Mukhang madali para sa iba kasi nakikita ka na nakaupo o nakahiga habang nagpapadede pero Di nila alam na napakalaking sakripisyo at dedikasyon ang kailangan upang maging EBF si baby. Continue latching, mommy! Padede mommies, unite! 😀


  8. Thank you mommy sobrang makakatulong tong mga advice mo im breastfeeding mom of a 7 mos old little girl .. Sobra kakarampot ung milk ko kya nagagalit sya kapag wala sya nadede saken .. Gagayahin ko yung advice mo para sa tuloy tuloy na pag papadede salamat ng marami 🙂


    • Thank you, mommy Flor. 🙂 Okay lang kung di kayo madalas magsabaw sa bahay basta malakas ka uminom ng tubig. 🙂 Good job breastfeeding your baby, sis. It takes a lot of dedication and hard work but it’s totally worth it. 🙂


    • You’re welcome, mommy Jennifer. I’m glad that we were able to share our experiences with you. Please keep visiting us for more of our adventures. We love hearing from other mommies, most especially since I don’t get a lot of adult conversation around here. hahaha 🙂


  9. Hoping to win this giveaway 😊 cros finger im a Exclusive Breastfeeding for my lo since day1 and now his turning 4months.😊


    • Good job, mommy Angelica for exclusively breastfeeding your baby. 🙂 I know how hard it can get for a padede mommy. 🙂 I’ll be crossing my fingers for you, we’re about to draw 2 winners. 😀 ❤


  10. My baby is almost 3 months old and im giving him a combination of formula and bf but now im nearly out of milk… Thanks for these infos, i could use this to produce more milk. 😊


    • Congratulations on your new squish, mommy Anna. Thank you for dropping by and it warms our hearts that we were able to help in our small way. Just keep on latching and keep hydrated, for sure, your milk will increase. 🙂 ❤


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